
My Story

With a mix of British, European and Japanese blood running through my veins and having lived in America, Asia and Europe, I appreciate different cultures and climates; most of all, I love the different people within them.

My career spans global corporate (20 years – management), SME (7 years – senior management) and the startup world (4 years – COO/CEO). 

I’ve worked in every level in the workforce, been part of mergers & acquisitions, experienced the joy of promotions to the challenges of letting people go; I’ve faced redundancy and been a woman in leadership within a typical man’s world (Logistics, Customs &Trade and Renewables). I’ve also survived cancer.

I think I have a lot to share!

Now it is about helping others face their challenges.  Empowering people to be their best in their careers and their personal lives to:

Strike their path!